Blij een ander te kunnen helpen en er zelf ook van te leren: IT architecture coaching. Danny van Beek, bedanktvoor de recommendation
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What is your professional roadmap for creating value? I truly believe IT architecture is not only about technological design but also about helping others to build, implement, update and improve services. So after buying books in museums on service design I renewed my ITIL Essentials (from 1998) and passed the ITIL 2011 Service Design exam to broaden my perspective.
Ideas without execution are a hobby and we’re not in the hobby business. So, what’s your angle as an IT-architect to make ideas happen?
The Final Key to Innovation: Understanding the Law of Execution
My new professional website is online. I love added value.
Cloudgebruik door de overheid? De geschiedenis maar eens doorgeworsteld: het was nooit zwart-wit, wel-niet, maar afgewogen…Ik heb het in een plaatje gezet
Encountering resistance on innovations? Look for new angles, the angle of your opponent.
Bridging the Gap: Why Hostage Negotiation Is Successful In Business
A great design and now what? Without execution it’s a hobby and we are not in the hobby business. I have created a visual summary of Good Strategy Execution Requires Balancing 4 Tensions