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Tag: design (Pagina 2 van 3)


Recently I found a Japanese angle for my 2015 article “Give me an 80% solution, now!” Apparently 80% is better than 100%. The fun in IT architecture is to discover what a 80% versus perfect design is. The reward lies in the adaptation and adoption by readers: they could add their points too, so from now on it is their solution. What will you design today, for just 80%?

visual resume

visual resume

Why should you struggle creating and reading lenghty resumes? Why not concentrate a resume in an infogram? Or a Powerpoint one-slider? Farid Mheir has given a beautiful example. I have taken up the challenge and this is the result.

Looking for more of these creative solutions for problems you have to solve?

I am available in January, 2016.

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