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Tag: risk management

Just because it fits, doesn’t mean it’ll work.

Do you love fun… in IT design? Well I do.

Ogilvy South Africa has created a few provoking images. These images express the awkward situation of IT design that concentrates merely on technology:

  • Just because it worked before, doesn’t mean it will work now
  • Just because it’s supposed to work, doesn’t mean it will
  • Just because it works, doesn’t mean it’s fixed; and finally
  • Just because it fits, doesn’t mean it’ll work

The bliss of IT architecture is combining technological options with non-technical requirements: is it sustainably manageable, operationable, to whom does it bring -long term- value? The fun of IT architecture is detecting fallacies in thinking -if all conditions work as supposed, it will work- and steering towards rediscovering the goals, outside IT.

And, to put it in Thomas Edison’s words: Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless.

Ze zijn er al…

Attacked from within? The edge of the organization is no longer in the same form as it once was. We now have to look ahead and figure out how to deal with the flow of company data and how that protection flows from one organization to another. And THAT is what will define the edge.

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